Shri Nemai Thakur dreamt of building a sprituaL research centre and astrological society 44 years ago. He was keen to explore all possible attributes of astrology and propagate his knowledge among others. Taking initial step towards his dream, Shri Nemai Thakur founded this society on 1st january 1977. Lack of co-operation from people led it to failure initially. But no disappointment could turn down his indomitable courage. With all the faith he had, he started Nemai Mission on 1st january 1980 and merged it with All India Yoga Tantra and Astrological Society.
Being one of the oldest and venerated astrology centre, Hatibagan Toll is committed to educate hundreds of students since eightenth century. Many of them are established now, setting examples and making us proud with every passing day. Many astrology centres and institutions have set in motion over the years and their students are also doing well. Staying loyal is the key to success for this profession. I wish them all the wealth and luck.
In Hatibagan Toll, we created an immersive teaching environment for students to pursue their passion. After twelve months of training our hard working, cultured and highly disciplined students gain enough experience to prescribe antidotes.
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